Events and Exhibitions 2010

December 14, 2009 - January 15, 2010

Painting for auction in favour of the organisation "Langenzersdorfer - HELFEN - Langenzersdorfern".

January 15 - 17, 2010

International Art Fair 2010 EURO Antik & Modern Fine Art Messe Sindelfingen near Stuttgart.

January 27, to February 21, 2010

The final selections for the German SYRLIN-Award will be presented in galleries concluding with a show in the Stuttgart town hall.

February 19 - March 28, 2010

Exhibition International Women's Day 2010
[click here for invitation ...]

June 10, 2010
Opening Fine Art 31!

During the opening of my Fine-Art 31 gallery I greeted more than 120 guests who were enthusiastic both in regard to the architecture as well as to the pictorial décor.

You now have the possibility of visiting the gallery on appointment to view the paintings in their new surroundings.

[Go to photoalbum ...]

September 10 - 12, 2010

Kultursaal von Kaltenleutgeben.

October 16 - 17, 2010

Days of open studios.

F.SchwarzKünstler J- Zinsberge_I-Treitl

[Go to the photoalbum ...]

November 26 - December 7, 2010

Paris - Le Salon Paneuropeen. European dialogue.


Zinsi's palette
