Events and Exhibitions 2011

February 3 - 6, 2011

15. ART International Fair for Contemporary Art INNSBRUCK.

The 70 exhibitors and 13.000 visitors.

Messedirektorin Johanna Penz bei meinem Stand

Director Penz personally viewed my works.

This trade fair is an important milestone in my artistic development.

Go to ART Innsbruck

28. April - 1. Mai 2011
Akzenta Graz 2011

Das Forum für bildende und angewandte Kunst.

May 27 - 29, 2011

1. Art Weekend at Fine-art31 Studio Zinsberger

This was a first: an idea that will be developed and expanded.

die Künstlerdie Ehrengäste

In the future, I would also like to enable young artists to present themselves during this 3-day cultural event.

[Go to photoalbum ...]

October 15th and 16th, 2011

Successful fundraising at the fine-art31 Zinsberger gallery. 923€ collected for KIWANIS Langenzerdorf.

[Hier geht es zur Sponsorenübersicht ...]

This year we created a painting for KIWANIS - Langenzerdorf in my gallery and collected donations.

Bildübergabe an die KIWANIS

My picture as well as a work by Raimund Thonhauser were put to auction for KIWANIS. Mr Hiller thanked me on behalf on KIWANIS for my personal commitment to this cause as well as for the donation.

[Go to the photoalbum ...]

November 11 - 13, 2011

Teilnahme bei den Langenzersdorfer Kulturtage in der Gemeinde Langenzersdorf.

December 3rd, 2011

„Kunstpunsch“ in der Galerie Angelika Hofmeister Korneuburgerstr. 7, 2103 Langenzersdorf.

Artists: Angelika Hofmeister, Sissi Podany, Josef Zinsberger

Zinsi's palette
