December 8, 2008 - February 2009
Exhibition of some works at Bürgerservice of the municipal office Langenzersdorf and at the library Langenzersdorf.
June 2009 "Long night of the church"
Works of subject "Angel" at Pfarre Cyrill und Method, Wien - Stammersdorf
June - July 2009
"Making the Invisible Visible". Exhibition of my new Paintings, Realism, Abstract, Nudes primarily.
Galerie / Konzerthaus Weinviertel in Ziersdorf (ART-Schmidatal).
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I was exhibiting my works at the cultural afternoon in the parish hall at Niederhollabrunn. This event was being hosted by the Cultural Association of Niederhollabrunn.
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August 2009
Exhibition of some paintings at Weinbau-Tuchny.
Kellergasse 94 in 2103 Langenzersdorf.
October 2009
Open Studio Days in Lower Austria
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Krone Bunt!
November 2009
Korneuburger Advent 2009 -
Windows of the Light
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Opening Exhibition "zur blauen Stunde"
Festsaal der Gemeinde Langenzersdorf.

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